El Caballero De La Armadura Oxidada

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  1. El Caballero De La Armadura Oxidada In English
  2. El Caballero Con La Armadura Oxidada
'Aquí usted encontrará mucho más que un libro: es una experiencia que expande nuestra mente, que nos llega al conrazón y alimenta nuestra alma. El libro nos enseña, de una forma muy amena, que debemos liberarnos de las barreras que nos impiden conocerno y amarnos a nosotros mismos para poder ser capacer de dar y recibir amor.

El Caballero de la Armadura Oxidada Este es un blogg creado para explicar este libro el cual yo creo muy divertido y que sirve para darse cuenta de los errores que uno a cometido en esta vida y darse cuenta de que nunca es tarde para corregir tales errores. Caballero de la Armadura Oxidada by Robert Fisher A readable copy. All pages are intact, and the cover is intact. Pages can include considerable notes-in pen.

Desde Juan Salvador Gaviota cautivara a miles de lectores de todo el planeta, no había aparecido ninguna historia capaz de despertar la imaginación de una manera poderosa de conectar con el lector de una forma tan profunda como lo hace El caballero de la armadura oxidada'

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Preview — El caballero de la armadura oxidada by Robert Fisher

El caballero de la armadura oxidada trata de una fantasía adulta que simboliza nuestra ascensión por la montaña de la vida. Nos sentimos reflejados en el viaje del caballero, que está plagado de esperanzas y desesperanzas, de ilusiones y desilusiones, de risas y lágrimas. Las profundas enseñanzas contenidas en la historia son impartidas con un toque de humor muy sutil. El...more
Published April 1st 1993 by Obelisco (first published May 1987)
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May 09, 2013DJ Harris rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: tween-book, funny, inspiring, men, review, xander, favorites, classic, teenage-book, sociology

A lighthearted whimsical tale, appropriate for many age levels, and complete with a subtle, yet important, deeper message. One of my favorite books from the first read! Full of profound wisdom and touching moments that are sure to melt the coldest heart.
'Though this universe I own,
I possess not a thing,
for I cannot know the unknown
if to the known I cling.
There is no way that you could read this book and not be a better person for it. It's full of life lessons that sometimes we need to
Jun 13, 2012Andrea rated it it was amazing
This is a beautiful, short story that leaves a positive message to all readers. It talks about knowing oneself and going through many obstacles to achieve peace and happiness. I really liked the way the story was told; as a story told at night, near a fire and by an experienced storyteller from old times. It can easily be passed on to our children or grandchildren without harm. It is a very healthy and pure story that makes us ponder a little about how much we know ourselves and how much we take...more
Oct 29, 2016☘Misericordia☘ ~ The Serendipity Aegis ~ ⚡ϟ⚡ϟ⚡⛈ ✺❂❤❣ rated it it was amazing
Oh, my gosh! I just can't get tired of this book. This should be done a manual for psychologists.
Cuanto el asunto de la caballeria habia crisis, tenia la mala costumbre de rescatar damiselas incluso quando ellas no desesaban ser rescatadas y, debido a esto, aunque muchas damas le estaban agradecidas, otras tantas se mostraban furiosas con el caballero. El lo acceptaba con filosofia. Despues de todo, no se puede contentar a todo el mundo.
When the knight business was slow, he had the annoying
Nov 10, 2018Paty Pana rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Unfortunately I was so bored with this book. Maybe it was because it was my first audiobook - and probably my last - and because the narrator had a strange way to pronounce 'ni' 's and 'li' 's... It was close to torture, and it was a relief that it only lasted 20+ minutes.
The forced didactic tone made it seem like a straightly self-help book rather than a tale with an underlying teaching intention, which I found extremely annoying. The whole story was too short and I felt that nothing actually
Jan 04, 2013Ana Rodriguez rated it liked it · review of another edition
We read this book on Psychology class. I won't lie by saying that I was thrilled, since I seriously wasn't digging it at first. I though it was pretty boring, and my classmates thought so as well since most of them were falling asleep. The thing is that every time we finished a chapter, our teacher would ask us to express our opinions and thoughts. What did we get from the chapter? Which phrase caught our attention the most?
The interesting part started when my classmates actually started cooper
Apr 09, 2012Paula rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Gag. Horrible, boring, roll-my-eyes-every-three-seconds book. I had to read it for a university project and I hated it! Luckily it was short, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to finish it. These sort of books are just ridiculous. Well, I'm off to read something decent now.
Jun 27, 2019Gonzalo Urrutia rated it really liked it · review of another edition
A fun, soulful reading without complexity or hidden meaning. The message is clear, and I think most of us can learn a thing or two about the Knight's journey.
Feb 11, 2012Ruth rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
Oct 05, 2015

El Caballero De La Armadura Oxidada In English

Miquel Reina rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: motivational, thinking, self-growing, mustread, pearl, travel-and-adventure, skills, poetry, lyrical
This book arrived at my hands by chance and although I usually don't believe in coincidences I have to say that It come to me in a moment of my life disturbingly ideal for reading. 'The knight in Rusty Armor' is an excellent story for adults in which morals of life are lessons so lucid and brutal that sometimes you will need some time to assimilate them. I recommend to read this book to everyone because each of us can feel identified with this heavy and rusty armor that every day we strive to we...more
Feb 23, 2012Catarina rated it really liked it · review of another edition
This book was recommend by a friend of mines that just said it had everything to be one of my personal favourites. I have to say she was right, before I read the book however I saw the animation some Portuguese students did for a school project, once the animation ended I was caught myself thinking 'This is good, but is this all there is?'.
Luckily for me the Portuguese publishing house of this book had a sale sometime after and I could get the book half price. As I sat down to read it the after
Feb 23, 2014Joe Savage rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Recommended to Joe by: Billy Bass
Enjoyed this short, simple book very much. Lessons illustrated in this tiny volume have many applications. As a male the imperfect warrior (workaholic) beams from every page. Blindness and denial reverberate upon the reader who has experienced similar troubles. The armor comes in diverse forms but all can become just as rusted as this knight's.
The obstacles or castles which he had to pass through likewise can be seen many different ways in each readers mind.
Overall I found this an enchanting a
Nov 04, 2010Rauleck rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Life's short, and there are so many books to read!
Don't waste your time with this one...
Jan 10, 2019Maria Tzoutzopoulou rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Still numbed by the holiday season, I wasn't sure of what my first read for the new year would be.
The Knight in Rusty Armor captured me from the first few pages, and throughout it, I found pieces of me and pieces of people I know.
I was enthused about the way Robert Fisher presented himself in a specific part of the story.
There were so many truths inside learned the hard way in life.
It is a must-read for all ages, and I am more than happy to have started my year with this book.
Feb 16, 2018Michael rated it it was ok · review of another edition
This slim tale has something of a cult following. Imagine Pilgrim's Progress re-imagined by Paolo Coelho, with folksy philosophy and cute critters. I'm sure there are important life lessons in there too ...
Sep 20, 2017lama algahtani rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Mar 22, 2016Megan rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
I cannot say enough good things about 'The Knight in Rusty Armor' by Robert Fisher. It's hysterical. It's a quick read. It has all the elements of classic allegory mixed with elements of folklore and myth. If you want there's even a decent life lesson the reader can pull from the tale.
An unnamed knight has lived for so long in his armor ready to go on any quest that he is unable to take off the metal gear. Faced with the prospect of his long-suffering wife and son leaving him the knight goes on
May 24, 2014Train rated it did not like it

El Caballero Con La Armadura Oxidada

· review of another edition
Recommended to Train by: no one (it was a gamble)
Tries to give the reader a message of acceptance of life 'as is' and talks about the power of love, especially love for ourselves. The problem is that the author seems to be very ignorant of what human life actually is, so the message gets lost in a ton of contradictions. It's hard for more intellectual/mature readers to take the message seriously.
The book comes off better as a child's first entry to medieval fantasy literature, but it still demands that the parents carefully explain to the chil
Dec 31, 2016Lisa Alsop rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Exceptional story on the path of life, searching for your truth and the unnecessary baggage we put on ourselves because we think we have to. Short story, quick read and tons of life lessons. This will be in Lisa's Top 100 for sure.
A nice story about self-acceptance, and how we build inner walls around us forgetting who we really are (represented with the shiny armor). There’s a thing with the wife and child, a cliffhanger that is a little bit confusing, that and the time travel thing.
Sad but realistic, showing the way some people loose in themselves
Sep 03, 2015Stephanie rated it it was amazing
I READ THIS SO LONG AGO! And I really loved it then and I think that basically made me the person that I am.
Jul 12, 2015Fabiana Acosta rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Reading Challenge 2015 #19: A book your mom loves
Dec 21, 2013Irene rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I thought this was going to be a comedy. But it turned out to be an allegory about life and how some of us go through life hidden behind armour. Interesting stuff that's true.
Nov 13, 2012Liz* Fashionably LateRobert fisher books rated it liked it
Shelves: adventure, not-my-cup-of-tea, book-from-my-childhood, in-spanish, male-author
It was ok. I read it when I was a kid and I really enjoyed it.
Maybe to inspirational for my taste now ^^
Dec 27, 2012William rated it did not like it · review of another edition
This book is full of cheap new-agey 'wisdom', lazy anachronisms, and hippy nonsense. There is a tiny kernel of worthwhile insight, but it is not worthwhile.
Mar 11, 2016Mika Mota added it · review of another edition
this video is the perfect review:
Alan Watts
Jul 03, 2014Ellie-Joy rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Aug 31, 2016 Георгий rated it really liked it · review of another edition
“When you learn to accept instead of expect, you'll have fewer disappointments”
Jun 05, 2018Avonlea rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This book is cheesy. Full of pointed lessons (I felt called out by many of those one-liner lessons) and sweet anecdotes with a deeper meaning. If you can get past the cheesy exterior of this book, which I personally found slightly endearing, you will learn a lot from it. It is targeted to children, I believe, but I enjoyed the format. I would like to eventually read more in-depth books about this topic (Brene Brown's writings are a vein of valuable books I would suggest for deeper reading on thi...more
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One of the most prolific of sitcom writers, Fisher began in television the 1950s by pairing up with a veteran radio writer twenty-five years his senior named Alan Lipscott. Lipscott and Fisher wrote the first episode of the CBS-TV sitcom series Make Room For Daddy (starring Danny Thomas) in 1953, and went on to craft teleplays for The Donna Reed Show, Bachelor Father (which starred John Forsythe),...more
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