Kotor 2 Changing Of The Guard

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Later feats in this chain change this to a +2 and +3 respectively. Defeat a Zakkeg and take its ear (for the Gate Guard Captain) 5. Find the lost.

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  1. What does this information mean? Steps With the discovery that one of the great houses of Qeynos must be involved, the jurisdiction of this investigation passes to the Antonican Royal Guard. Report to Beregis Geridion at The Sovereign House of Qeynos in South Qeynos in the Qeynos Capitol.
  2. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 Tweak Guide Page 7 Advanced Tweaks. Aside from the in-game settings, Knights of the Old Republic 2 has many advanced settings contained in several initialization (.ini) files which you can edit using any text editing utility - such as Windows Notepad.These advanced tweaks are covered in this section of the guide.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Table of Contents Walkthrough

Table of Contents

  • Character generation
Ranged weapons
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Droid equipment
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  • 2Sith Academy
    • 2.3Enter the Sith Academy
The entrance to the Sith Academy is on the opposite side of a canyon to Dreshdae.


With the door to Dreshdae behind you to the west, a ramp descends to the east. A protocol droid and a utility droid roam around its base:

I cannot render assistance, citizen. Move along.Beep beep beep-oop!

There's a metal box to the northwest, and another to the southwest:

Item(s) Received: Metal BoxItem(s) Received: Metal Box

Sith Academy[edit]

Cross the bridge over the canyon separating Dreshdae from the Sith Academy on the east side. You only need to speak to the Sith Academy guard, but Belaya may confront you beforehand and you can move closer to the light or dark side of the Force after speaking to Mekel.


If Juhani was slain during your Jedi Trials on Dantooine then Belaya stands before the entrance to the Sith Academy and challenges you before you can speak to anyone else. Combat is inevitable, but if you killed Juhani then you should certainly be able to kill her:

She receives bonuses depending on your character level:

Belaya: You! I remember you! What are you doing here?! Did the Jedi Council send you? I swear I will expose you if they have!
1. Err.. do I know you?3. I'll not suffer your insults!
Belaya: I am Belaya, once of the Jedi but now of the Sith.. it was your murder of Juhani that placed this bitter blackness in my heart!Belaya: You are a spy.. and a murderer. It was you who killed Juhani and placed this bitter blackness in my heart that I cannot get rid of!Belaya: The Council is nothing but a slow and doddering farce, placing all their trust in you.. and you failed them, just as you failed Juhani.
Belaya: I couldn't touch you on Dantooine, but I can, here! The Sith have taught me the power of freedom.. and revenge! FOR JUHANI!!Belaya: Do you even remember me? I am Belaya, and it is your murder of Juhani that brought me here. Fortunately, I have learned the power of revenge!
Character levelDexterityWisdomVitalityForce
> 14+6+6+100+100

Thus at character level > 14:

ClassJedi Guardian
Alignment20 (dark)
RangedMainOff hand
Items and abilitiesFeatsForce powers


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 8 Killed Belaya
Item(s) Received: Belaya
  • Credits (150)

If you return to Dantooine then you can report this to Vrook Lamar in the Jedi Council Chambers:

Vrook Lamar: It is well that you are still alive, Padawan, in that you have not yet managed to fail us completely. Why is it that you are now bothering me instead of seeking out the Star Map?
3. I have slain Belaya on Korriban. She was a Dark Jedi.
Vrook Lamar: I find that.. disturbing. It is our failings as teachers that enabled this to happen. Do not give in to the same dark urges as she did or you may suffer a similar fate.


Three prospective Sith students stand to the left of the Sith academy entrance, while two closest to the door have already collapsed, and the Sith apprentice Mekel stands opposite them to the right of the entrance. If you speak to the prospects in the middle and on the right before Mekel:

If you speak to Mekel before asking the Aqualish prospect on the left what he's doing:

Speak to the Aqualish prospect:

Mekel: Leave me be. Can't you see that I'm busy?
1. Are you one of the Sith from the academy?
Mekel: Isn't that obvious? You must be very sharp to possess such an astute sense of perception. Obviously deaf, however, since I asked you to leave.
Mekel: No you may not. I'm busy amusing myself and I'm not going to miss any of the fun. Now get lost before I teach you a lesson.Mekel: Good. I don't want to miss this for anything, heh..

Speak to Mekel:

Prospective Sith Student: I have to stand at attention. P-please.. don't distract me, whoever you are.
3. Fine, I'll leave you to it.
Prospective Sith Student: Th-thank you.. wish me luck.


2. Are you one of the Sith?
Prospective Sith Student: N-no.. no, I'm not. I'd like nothing better, however. Th-that's.. that's why I'm here.
1. What are you doing?
Prospective Sith Student: I.. I'm trying to prove my worth to enter the Sith academy, here. We were told that if we stood here long enough.. we would be worthy.
Jolee: Seems like not much to do to be worthy of anything. How long you been up to it, boy?
Prospective Sith Student: We've been here.. for so many days. I'm so hungry! Some.. some of us have died. But I must be strong, I must! I will keep standing!
Prospective Sith Student: N-no, I can't! I must get into the academy! Mekel is the Sith, over there, watching us.. he told us we have to do this!Prospective Sith Student: I.. n-no, please, put it away! I.. I can't accept any, Mekel said. He's the Sith.. over there, watching us..
Prospective Sith Student: I must be strong! Mekel.. will find me worthy.. soon, I hope..
Mekel: Is there something specific you wanted?
Mekel: Then I trust you'll leave. I think another one of these fools is about to drop, and I don't want to miss it.


1. Are you Mekel?
Mekel: And what if I am?
1. You have to do something about those men! They're dying!2. Why are you making those men stand there?
Mekel: That is the whole point! Personally, I think it's wonderful fun.. those fools actually think that if they stand there long enough, I'll let them become a Sith. Idiots. A Sith is not a bantha, all endurance and no brains. A Sith would fight for his life, no matter the odds. If these rotgrubs are as stupid as they seem, then they deserve their fate!
Mekel: *You* demand? Why would I listen to you? I'll do as I please, and if watching these fools starve themselves amuses me, that's what I'll do.Mekel: Perhaps, but where does it say I should be merciful? There'd be no sport in it, anyhow. I want to see if they are really as foolish as I suspected.Mekel: Oh, it is. I wonder which one will be the last standing? Should I tell him then that his hopes are in vain, do you think?
Juhani: You should not toy with people's lives!
Carth: Oh, what a sweet guy. He should get the Sith congeniality medal.
Zaalbar: He victimizes them, but they are trying to join his vile kind. I'm not sure I would save them.
Jolee: Why not just shoot them where they stand? It would at least be more direct.
Jolee: Of course that's what *you* would do.
Mekel: Hmm. It is a bit boring standing out here all day, however. I think I'll go for some dinner.. it will be fun to think of them while I gorge myself. They'll still be here in an hour or two, surely. I suggest you run along before I decide to make you part of the fun.

Once Mekel has left, you can try to persuade the Aqualish prospect to do likewise:

Prospective Sith Student: You.. you were talking to Mekel! I saw you! Where did he go? D-did he.. did he tell you I was worthy?!
Prospective Sith Student: Mother will be so angry! Ooohh..

The guard will kill him. Otherwise, if you fail to persuade him, or don't even try, then he remains:

Prospective Sith Student: I.. I'll do it! I'll prove my strength! AAAAAAHHHH!!

If you try to speak to him again:

1. [Persuade] Mekel is tricking you. He'll never let you into the academy.
Prospective Sith Student: [Failure] You're wrong! I.. must wait here to be worthy; you are.. just trying to trick me so you will be chosen!
1. But I -
Prospective Sith Student: Go now, and t-tempt me no more! I.. will be strong!
Prospective Sith Student: Just leave me alone. I have to get in the academy!

The prospect on the right can also be persuaded to leave:

Prospective Sith Student: You.. talked to Mekel? Have I proved my worth? Did he say anything..?
1. [Persuade] Mekel is tricking you. He'll never let you into the academy.2. [Persuade/Lie] He said you should go home. The Sith aren't for you.
3. No. I'll be going.
Prospective Sith Student: No, p-please.. I.. I cannot..

Regardless of the outcome he always collapses. The prospect in the center won't listen to you:

Prospective Sith Student: Leave.. leave me be! I won't listen to your.. manipulations. I.. I *will* make it into the academy! Just.. just a few hours longer.. just a few hours, surely..

However, he too collapses if he sees you've acquired a Sith Medallion:

Prospective Sith Student: You.. you have a medallion! How.. how did you.. unghhhh..

If you return after entering the academy, Mekel and these prospective Sith students are gone.

Enter the Sith Academy[edit]

The door to Sith Academy on the east side of the canyon is locked:

[This door is only open to members of the Sith Academy.]

You need to speak to the Sith Academy guard on the left:

Although he cannot be persuaded to let you in, once you've spoken to him then Yuthura Ban appears in Dreshdae's cantina and you'll be given a couple of opportunities to acquire a Sith Medallion. You don't need to ask him how you become a Sith or about the medallion he mentioned, although if it's your first time then it's obviously helpful:

Sith Academy Guard: You are neither a Sith nor do you bear the medallion of a student of this facility. Please leave at once.
Sith Academy Guard: On your way, citizen.
1. How do I become a Sith, then?
Sith Academy Guard: You must be admitted to the academy. That decision must be made by a Sith who has already been accepted, here. The final decision, however, remains with Master Yuthura. I believe she is currently at the cantina if you wish to seek her out. Now go.
2. What's this medallion you mention?
Sith Academy Guard: It is the device given to one who has been accepted into the academy, but has not yet proved their worth as a student. If one of the Sith decides you are worthy, you will be given one.. which you must then take to Yuthura Ban, who I believe is in the cantina. It is she who decides which hopefuls enter the academy.

Once you've spoken to him, you cannot return to Ebon Hawk or change party selection here until the Sith thugs and the Sith apprentice in Dreshdae from whom you can acquire a Sith Medallion no longer stand between you and the Ebon Hawk. If you return with a medallion:

Sith Academy Guard: Greetings, student. I see you have the medallion that marks you as one of the chosen. I do not recognize you, however. Have you been accepted into the academy very recently?
Sith Academy Guard: I see. And who might your friends be?
1. They are my slaves.
Sith Academy Guard: Ah. I trust you will be responsible for ensuring your slaves are not disruptive, then?
HK-47: Well, besides *that*.
2. They are none of your business.
Sith Academy Guard: So long as the Sith do not object to them, neither will I. They will be your responsibility, of course.
Sith Academy Guard: You will want to bring your medallion to Yuthura Ban. She is the one who brings all selected students into the academy for their training. I believe she can be located within the cantina here in the colony. I suggest you go to her while she is still there, student.
Sith Academy Guard: You again? I told you to locate Yuthura Ban in the cantina. She is the only one who can bring new students into the academy.
Sith Academy Guard: You are a student at the academy. You may enter by the door.

After entering the academy, that's all he has to say to you.

Sith Medallion[edit]

Once you've spoken to the Sith Academy guard, the Twi'lek Sith Master Yuthura Ban appears Dreshdae's cantina. Although she can be persuaded to let you enter the academy, it's better to acquire a Sith Medallion first. Four Sith thugs also appear outside the Czerka Store, and their leader will challenge you as you approach:

Sith Thug Leader: What's this? Looks like we found ourselves a bit of sport, my friends.
Mission: Ever notice how the Sith always act tough when they're in groups? Nothing but scum if you ask me!
Sith Thug: This is good: I want to celebrate my acceptance into the academy!
Sith Thug Leader: Me too. So how about it, chump? Ready to die? I'm eager to blow off some steam after those tests.
1. I don't want to pick a fight here.
Sith Thug Leader: But we do, isn't it obvious?

If you say you don't want to pick a fight here, you can move closer to the light side of the Force and receive experience for successfully persuading them to leave you alone:

1. [Persuade] I'm trying to be reasonable.. but if you keep pushing me you'll regret it.3. [Persuade/Bribe] Here.. here's 100 credits. Buy a drink to celebrate, instead.
Sith Thug Leader: Yeah, it does. Okay, you're off the hook. Let's go, guys.
2. Are you sure you want to die?
Sith Thug: Hey! I think that was a threat!
Sith Thug Leader: That's pretty funny. Why should we be scared of you?
Sith Thug: [Success] Uhhh.. this one doesn't look like a pushover, you know. Maybe we should reconsider..
Sith Thug Leader: Yeah, okay. Just keep out of our way next time, you.

If you don't bother to persuade them, fail or use the Force, then they engage you in combat:

Sith Thug: Looks like we got us a winner!
Sith Thug Leader: You know it. Let's enjoy this!
Canderous: I know I will!
1. [Persuade] I'm trying to be reasonable.. but if you keep pushing me you'll regret it.3. [Persuade/Bribe] Here.. here's 100 credits. Buy a drink to celebrate, instead.
Sith Thug: [Failure] I hate whining! Let's shut them up!Sith Thug: I say we take the creds off their bodies. Then get a drink.
Sith Thug Leader: Hey! Good plan!
3. [Persuade] Because I'm not a snot-nosed punk who's biting off more than he can chew.
Sith Thug: Hey! This one has killed Sith?!
Sith Thug Leader: You've picked the wrong place to say that. We'll score big points for bringing in your body, I'm sure!
Canderous: Bring it on!
Sith Thug Leader: [Success] Yeah.. I don't want to fight you.
Sith Thug: Hey! That.. that's a Jedi trick!
Sith Thug Leader: What?! You.. you won't get away with this!!

Killing them results in more experience received at level < 16, but if this is a persuasive light side character's first encounter with multiple Force users then it may be better to avoid it. They receive bonuses depending on your character level:

Character levelDexterityWisdomVitalityForce
> 14+6+6+100+100

Thus at character level > 14:

Sith Thug Leader
ClassJedi Guardian
Alignment50 (neutral)
RangedMainOff hand
Items and abilitiesFeatsForce powers


Microphones for dell laptops

Sith Thug
ClassJedi Consular
Alignment50 (neutral)
RangedMainOff hand
Items and abilitiesFeatsForce powers


Sith Thug
ClassJedi Guardian
Alignment50 (neutral)
RangedMainOff hand
Items and abilitiesFeatsForce powers


Despite his low level, the Twi'lek thug has both Force Immunity: Fear and Stun, which effectively gives him Immunity: Mind-Affecting:

Sith Thug
ClassJedi Sentinel
Alignment50 (neutral)
RangedMainOff hand
Items and abilitiesFeatsForce powers


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 8 Killed Sith Thug Leader
  • Challenge Rating 4 Killed Sith Thug (3)
Item(s) Received: Sith Thug Leader
  • Sith Medallion

This medallion is clearly marked with the insignia of the Sith, and otherwise consists of a shiny black onyx-like material. It is unlikely to be very valuable, but is quite distinctive.

If you return to the room to the northwest then you'll see a lone Sith apprentice besetting two prospective Sith at its southwest exit:

Sith Apprentice: Ha ha! Once you become a Sith, you can do anything! You can feel the power coursing through you! None of you fools can compare to me!!
Prospective Sith: P-please, friend.. we are pleased at your success, but..
Sith Apprentice: Pleased?! You're jealous! You're jealous of my power! You think you deserve this medallion, don't you? Well, let's just see!!

He drains the life from the Rodian on the right before turning his attention to the Twi'lek female on the left:

Sith Apprentice: Ha ha ha! See?! I have the power to do anything!
Prospective Sith: Somebody help me!! Please!!
Sith Apprentice: Sniveling fool! Like you would ever belong beside me in the academy! I'd rather kill you now and save us the trouble!

He notices you:

2. Yeah? Let's see how tough you are, then.

The surviving prospect runs away as the apprentice engages in combat. At character level > 14:

Sith Apprentice
ClassJedi Guardian
Alignment50 (neutral)
RangedMainOff hand
Items and abilitiesFeatsForce powers


Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • Challenge Rating 8 Killed Sith Apprentice
Item(s) Received: Sith Apprentice
  • Sith Medallion

These Sith remain in Dreshdae until you're taken to the Tomb of Naga Sadow. Once you've acquired a medallion, if you speak to the prospective Sith male in the Czerka Store and the prospective Sith Twi'lek female by the exit from Dreshdaebefore entering the academy:

Prospective Sith: Hey! You've got one of the medallions!Prospective Sith: You.. you have a medallion!
3. It's mine and you're not getting it.4. Get out of my way.5. I'll be on my way.
1. So? What does that mean?
2. That's right. Got a problem with that?
1. So? What does that mean?2. That's right. Got a problem with that?
Prospective Sith: Got any advice for someone who's trying to be worthy of admittance?Prospective Sith: Might you have any advice for me? How did you obtain it?
1. Forget it. You'll never be worthy.2. You just have to keep trying, I guess.

Say you didn't get it in the normal way for a chance to alter your alignment:

3. Let's just say I didn't get this in the normal way.
Prospective Sith: [Failure] You just want one less competitor, right? Well, we'll see about that.Prospective Sith: [Failure] My family couldn't talk me out of this, and you sure aren't going to. Thanks anyway.
5. Forget it. I'll be going, now.

If you speak again:

You need to successfully persuade them to leave:

Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Prospective Sith: [Success] That doesn't really sound so easy. I guess it's to prove how brave you are, right? They won't actually kill you? Hm. I guess I'll have to find out..
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Prospective Sith: [Success] Oh. I'm not much of a combatant.. but I guess you have to be brave if you're going to get into the Sith, right? I'll.. have to think about it.
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Prospective Sith: [Success] Hey! Why didn't I think of that? Hmmm.. you look a bit too tough for me. I'll go and find someone a bit easier. Thanks a lot!
Dark Side Points Gained: -2
Prospective Sith: [Success] Hmm.. I suppose that might work. A newly accepted student wouldn't have all the powers of the other Sith, would they? Thank you!

Otherwise, if you can still speak to them after entering the academy:

Prospective Sith: Uhh.. greetings. You wouldn't happen to be looking for a prospect for the academy, would you?Prospective Sith: You.. are one of the Sith from the academy, yes? Would you happen to be looking for new prospects?
Kotor 2 restored content mod

There should be nothing left to do but present the medallion to Yuthura Ban.

Yuthura Ban[edit]

The Twi'lek Sith Master Yuthura Ban appears in the northeast corner of Dreshdae's Cantina. You have to speak to her to enter the Sith academy:

Yuthura Ban: Is there something you need, Jedi? Make it good, for I have little patience.
1. Why did you call me Jedi?Yuthura Ban: You are far from the first Jedi who has come here, after all, willing to abandon that decrepit order of yours.


Yuthura Ban: Is there something you need, human? Make it good, for I have little patience.
4. Can I ask you some questions?
Yuthura Ban: I am sure there are plenty of others here who would answer your questions. I am quite busy. So if there is nothing else..?
Yuthura Ban: Who am I? You must not have been on Korriban for very long. Either that or you have been feeling your way about blindly. Luckily for you, I am in a charitable mood. I am Yuthura Ban, second only to Master Uthar of the Sith academy here in Dreshdae. I am the one who decides which few of the many hopefuls who travel here to train actually become a Sith. Why? Is it your desire to enter the academy? Is that why you are here?Yuthura Ban: I am. Obviously you have been told of me. Is it your desire, then, to train at the academy? Do you wish to become a Sith, human?
Yuthura Ban: As you wish.

After confirming who she is you can ask her about joining the Sith, or do so after failing to persuade her and speaking after acquiring a Sith Medallion:

Yuthura Ban: You again? What do you wish, now?
3. Why do you want to know?
Yuthura Ban: Do not be insolent, human. I asked you a direct question, and I will not be trifled with. Now.. where did you get this medallion?
2. [Persuade/Lie] One of the other Sith accepted me into the academy.
Yuthura Ban: I see. How very enterprising of you, though that is not the normal way that we select our students for the academy.Yuthura Ban: [Failure] You think to lie to me, do you? I would suspect you stole this and killed the owner. Very enterprising of you, I must admit.
Yuthura Ban: We Sith do encourage such independent thinking. You may even be a suitable candidate to join us. That is what you wish, I take it? To become a Sith?
Yuthura Ban: *chuckle* An interesting question, and not one I hear often. For most the benefits of becoming a Sith are quite obvious.Yuthura Ban: And yet here you are on little Korriban, just by accident? I find it hard to believe. If it amuses you, however, I'll play along.
Yuthura Ban: We wield ultimate power, my friend. To be a Sith is to taste freedom and to know victory. Nothing is as glorious as bending the Force to your will.
1. A lot of the hopefuls here end up dead. That doesn't seem glorious.
Yuthura Ban: We make no apologies for the weak. If you cannot clench your fist and know when the moment comes to strike, there is no place for you amongst us. Of those who come to train, those who are weak return home. If they are both weak and foolish, they die.. but it was their choice to come.
2. And what about the Jedi?
Yuthura Ban: Hide-bound relics who burden themselves with tradition and with the protection of the weak and ungrateful. They are pitiful and misguided. Why would you take a gift as glorious as the Force and squander it? Weaken yourself deliberately and shackle yourself to outdated mores? Our gift has made us superior. It is our rightful place to rule. How can any deny that? Yet the Jedi do so.. and call us 'evil' because we do not.
1. You don't consider yourself evil?
Yuthura Ban: Is the sarkath beast who dominates his jungle evil? The tuk'ata who leaps on the squellbug for the kill? These are things of nature, of the universe. We are no different from this. The Force is part of the universe, part of the same laws. We were gifted to set us above the rest.. to deny nature is foolish.
3. But you serve the dark side of the Force, don't you?
Yuthura Ban: It is the Jedi who serve the Force.. trying to discern its wishes like frightened old men staring at the stars. The Force serves *us*. We shape it to our will. We are its master. The Jedi deny their darkness, but we revel in it, we allow it to fuel our strength.
1. But the dark side is evil, it corrupts..
Yuthura Ban: 'Corruption' is a word the pitiful use to describe the natural longing for power that they deny. 'Evil' is a word trumpeted by the weak to ease their heart. It is true that the Force exacts a physical toll on some.. but not a single one of them has ever regretted it. Anything else you hear is propaganda.
4. And where does Darth Malak fit into all this?
Yuthura Ban: You know the name? Malak is the strongest of us, and the strongest always rules.. at least until one who is stronger can take it from him. That is our way: survival of the fittest. You are always on guard, always lean for the kill. We promote it, for through this the Sith are stronger.
1. You kill each other?
Yuthura Ban: If a Sith has proven to be weak.. and if the time is right. The Force rewards the cunning and the mighty. Step up to the challenge if you dare.. or turn tail and run.

You can finish asking questions at any time with the following:

4. I see. About joining you..
Yuthura Ban: You've heard enough, have you? *chuckle* So what is it to be? Are you here to be a Sith or not?
3. Never mind.. I have to go.
Yuthura Ban: Oh? That is truly a first. Do as you wish, then, human. I'll not stop you.

Otherwise, you can get to the point by being more adamant about (not) joining the Sith when you first speak to her, or successfully lying to her about how you acquired a medallion (which is easily done):

2. [Persuade/Lie] One of the other Sith accepted me into the academy.
Yuthura Ban: No? Why might that be? There is something.. odd about you, human, that I cannot place..Yuthura Ban: Ahhh, so you are just another hopeful after all. Or are you? There is something odd about you that I cannot place..Yuthura Ban: [Success] Oh? Very well. You do seem a fit candidate, though there is.. something odd about you I cannot place..
1. No, I don't know what you're talking about.2. Yes, but only very little.3. Yes. I'm a fallen Jedi, if you must know.4. What difference does it make?
Yuthura Ban: With that kind of power, you could become a great Sith. Perhaps.. if I let you. Does that interest you?
1. No. It doesn't.
Yuthura Ban: Well, human.. should you change your mind, you know where to come.

Otherwise, if you don't have a medallion then using the Force won't persuade her to accept you into the academy, and you may fail if you use skill:

3. [Persuade/Lie] Yes, it does. I wish to become a Sith.3. [Persuade/Lie] Yes, it does. I wish to become a Sith.4. [Persuade] Yes, it does. I wish to become a Sith.
Yuthura Ban: [Failure] I see. Somehow, however, I am unconvinced. No, my friend.. I'll not be the one to bring you into our academy. If one of the other Sith accept you and give you a medallion, then perhaps. But otherwise.. not today. Run along now.
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Yuthura Ban: But I have already told you your answer, human. Do not bother me further, or I shall become irritated.

Otherwise, it's easier to lie if your alignment is already dark (< 40), but if this is the case then it's better not to do so:

3. [Persuade/Lie] Yes, it does. I wish to become a Sith.3. [Persuade/Lie] Yes, it does. I wish to become a Sith.4. [Persuade] Yes, it does. I wish to become a Sith.
Yuthura Ban: [Success] Ah, good. Exactly the sort of answer I was hoping for.

2.I have this medallion..
Yuthura Ban: So one of the others accepted you, even after I did not? You are lucky, human, for I am in a forgiving mood.
Yuthura Ban: I will take you to the academy and we shall see if you are ready to join the ranks of the Sith.
Yuthura Ban: I have only one other question. These.. companions of yours? They will not be coming with you, I presume?
1. They are slaves. Don't worry about them.
Yuthura Ban: There is.. something odd about this servant of yours.. No matter. Make sure they don't disturb your training or cause trouble. You are responsible for them. Now.. are you ready to go to the academy?Yuthura Ban: I see. Fair enough, so long as they do not disturb your training or cause any trouble. Are you ready to go to the academy, then?
12 postsMember
I have a character idea and I do not know where to post this, so here goes nothing.
Kreia! The memorable companion from the legendary KOTOR Series who always seems to nudge you in a direction that does not push you in a direction at all! Confusing right? Because she is one of few force wielders who have recognized that if there needs to be balance in the force, its users must also be balanced and swayed by both light side and dark side elements of the force.
Why would she be AMAZING for the mobile starwars game? Because she could be the only character with a leader ability that could enhance a whole team if the team consists of a balance between light side and dark side heroes (1 Kreia, 2 dark side, 2 light side). If the team is balanced within the force, the team could get immense buffs (up to the developers of course). She could be the sole leader who could take both sides of the force and combine them as the players wish! Want Darth Maul and Yoda on the same team? You could do this with this leader ability.
I am actually really excited about this idea, it would add a whole new element to the game without changing the core concepts within the game itself! Please help me get EA's attention if you think this would be an epic addition to the Heroes game!
Happy Gaming,


Changing Of The Guard At Arlington

  • 101 postsMember
    +1, Sion would be pretty cool too.
    Marquee Event:
    Lord of Pain!
  • 12 postsMember
    Oh my gosh! Lord of Pain could be a boss in the Guild raids!! That would be so epic! Then you could give him shards on the Legendary level of the raid!
  • 916 postsMember
    Kreia was never both LS and DS.. First she was Jedi, then she was Sith, then she was anti-Force, to the extent she wanted to destroy the Force itself. So, big NO
  • 101 postsMember
    June 30, 2017 12:17AMedited June 2017
    Sion would be easy to classify though:
    Dark Side, Sith, probably Tank
    Edit: Also,
    Oh my gosh! Lord of Pain could be a boss in the Guild raids!! That would be so epic! Then you could give him shards on the Legendary level of the raid!

    That's exactly what I was thinking! Maybe final battle could be vs nihilus and sion!
  • 12 postsMember
  • 2667 postsMember
    If they add Kreia, they should release Meetra Surik aka 'the Exile' as a required toon to unlock her.
    I think the Exile could be a support character with a Special that bonds her own lifeforce with that if a companion. For example, if she uses this ability on GK, their health bars will continually equalize.
    It would be something like:
    Force Bond Special (4 turn CD)
    Both Meetra Surik and another target ally have their health equalized, then gain Force Bond until they are defeated.
    Force Bond: Health percentages are balanced evenly between all allies with the Force Bond buff. Damage calculation remains the same. Damage from Force Bond can't defeat allies. Can't be dispelled or prevented.
    Zeta: One additional target ally. Before damage calculation, add the defense of all allies with Force Bond.
  • 2667 postsMember
    It could maybe scale (level 1-7) with a minor defense bonus or heal (after equalization).
  • 12 postsMember
    With how immersed I am with KOTOR, I actually did not know about Surik. I looked her up and her story is very similar to Revan's. Force bond could also be a skill on Kreia. Good idea!
  • 2667 postsMember
    With how immersed I am with KOTOR, I actually did not know about Surik. I looked her up and her story is very similar to Revan's. Force bond could also be a skill on Kreia. Good idea!

  • 7 postsMember
    IMO, Kreia is one of the deepest characters in the universe. Her philosophy and motivations are very well-written. I know that she is not popular enough to be a legendary event character, but still it would have been an event of great pleasure. Another option is not Kreia, but Darth Traya in the game. Much easier to model and classify. The entire Sith Triumvirate with Revan, Malak and Surik is the dream.
  • 12 postsMember
    I agree! She is well written indeed! Darth Traya would work as well--that model wouldn't fit the whole balance of the force idea that I had, but It would still be epic!
  • 3426 postsMember
    +1, Sion would be pretty cool too.
    Marquee Event:
    Lord of Pain!

    Hec Yes! - I would rather see sion over Darth Traya, but I def want to see Revan, Malak, Sion and Traya.
    Possibly Malgus, but I wasn't really a fan of SWTOR, just KOTOR
  • 57 postsMember
    TBH, when DN is announced and with other two char, I honestly thought it's gotta be visas marr and sion.
    Now we have, Sit and SA, well, close enough. Around that time we have scarif rebel with unique self revive function, really took it as a hint of sion mechanic.
  • 3426 postsMember
    TBH, when DN is announced and with other two char, I honestly thought it's gotta be visas marr and sion.
    Now we have, Sit and SA, well, close enough. Around that time we have scarif rebel with unique self revive function, really took it as a hint of sion mechanic.

    I think a good Sion mechanic would be a unique ability 'Lord of Pain' whenever Sion dies while allies still stand, sion is instantly revived at 50% health until defeated.
    Therefore Sion will keep being revived and is forced to be taken down last.
    Pretty cool hugh.
  • 572 postsMember
    +1, Sion would be pretty cool too.
    Marquee Event:
    Lord of Pain!

    Hec Yes! - I would rather see sion over Darth Traya, but I def want to see Revan, Malak, Sion and Traya.
    Possibly Malgus, but I wasn't really a fan of SWTOR, just KOTOR

    I liked SWToR, but how badly the butchered both Revan and Surik (and Kreia, though that one is less obvious) left a pretty bad taste in my mouth. Surik in particular made me sad. Here's the legendary Jedi that saved the order, defeated three extremely powerful sith lords virtually single handedly, served with great distinction in the Mandalorian wars, exhibited exceptional leadership abilities that easily rivaled Revan.. and we'll just make her his student again for no reason and end her story by having her stabbed in the back by a tertiary character..
    Regardless, any of the big TOR characters would be awesome to see. Expanding the Sith in particular with them would bring some love that the darksiders feel they're lacking.
  • 66 postsMember
    June 30, 2017 4:14PMedited June 2017
    Its a good thought but Revan fits the bill more of a light and dark side hero. I do like your 'influence' idea for her as a unique, but would adjust to 3 possible buffs depending if team was more ds, ls, or balanced. Either way id love to see her and Revan and all of the kotor characters eventually.
  • 12 postsMember
    Its a good thought but Revan fits the bill more of a light and dark side hero. I do like your 'influence' idea for her as a unique, but would adjust to 3 possible buffs depending if team was more ds, ls, or balanced. Either way id love to see her and Revan and all of the kotor characters eventually.

    YEAH! This would be the perfect leader ability!!
  • 508 postsMember
    Kreia is not about balance. neither she was 'both dark and light'/'neither dark and light'. She just hated the force and wanted to end the existence of the force. And I think mixed alignment teams should not be encouraged, but should be penalized. So yes to Kreia, but no to that light/dark mixed team ability.
  • 57 postsMember
    TBH, when DN is announced and with other two char, I honestly thought it's gotta be visas marr and sion.
    Now we have, Sit and SA, well, close enough. Around that time we have scarif rebel with unique self revive function, really took it as a hint of sion mechanic.

    I think a good Sion mechanic would be a unique ability 'Lord of Pain' whenever Sion dies while allies still stand, sion is instantly revived at 50% health until defeated.
    Therefore Sion will keep being revived and is forced to be taken down last.
    Pretty cool hugh.

    I have a weird idea about sion. What if he has guaranteed revival when he fall with ANY negative effect on him? That's gonna be a royal pain, maybe too much..
  • 12 postsMember
    July 1, 2017 4:15PMedited July 2017
  • 12 postsMember
    TBH, when DN is announced and with other two char, I honestly thought it's gotta be visas marr and sion.
    Now we have, Sit and SA, well, close enough. Around that time we have scarif rebel with unique self revive function, really took it as a hint of sion mechanic.

    I think a good Sion mechanic would be a unique ability 'Lord of Pain' whenever Sion dies while allies still stand, sion is instantly revived at 50% health until defeated.
    Therefore Sion will keep being revived and is forced to be taken down last.
    Pretty cool hugh.

    I have a weird idea about sion. What if he has guaranteed revival when he fall with ANY negative effect on him? That's gonna be a royal pain, maybe too much..

    This would be an interesting passive. It could be called 'Pain is not weakness' or something in character like that-This also gives counter play to someone who can resurrect themselves. I worry that it may be too easy to counter play however?
  • 537 postsMember
  • 1017 postsMember
    I have a character idea and I do not know where to post this, so here goes nothing.
    Kreia! The memorable companion from the legendary KOTOR Series who always seems to nudge you in a direction that does not push you in a direction at all! Confusing right? Because she is one of few force wielders who have recognized that if there needs to be balance in the force, its users must also be balanced and swayed by both light side and dark side elements of the force.
    Why would she be AMAZING for the mobile starwars game? Because she could be the only character with a leader ability that could enhance a whole team if the team consists of a balance between light side and dark side heroes (1 Kreia, 2 dark side, 2 light side). If the team is balanced within the force, the team could get immense buffs (up to the developers of course). She could be the sole leader who could take both sides of the force and combine them as the players wish! Want Darth Maul and Yoda on the same team? You could do this with this leader ability.
    I am actually really excited about this idea, it would add a whole new element to the game without changing the core concepts within the game itself! Please help me get EA's attention if you think this would be an epic addition to the Heroes game!
    Happy Gaming,

    I would LOVE to have Kreia as a playable character, and Sion The Lord of Pain too