Mount And Blade Upgrade Tree

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Weekly Wages
Upgrades To..
Upgrade Cost
Exp For Kill
Ransom Value

Farmers may be found in groups traveling between towns and villages. They may be captured from these groups or found and recruited from prisoners of a defeated enemy.

Farmers can spawn randomly in taverns across Calradia. The player can speak to them about a Bandit Infestation in their home village, and they will ask the player to assist in removing said bandits.


While farmers may come to your aid when defending a village, or can be recruited when rescued, they rarely serve any meaningful purpose beyond acting as cannon fodder. They're neither resilient, fast, or strong enough to make any significant impact on a battle. In fact, they can prove to be more of an annoyance when trying to help a village, as the group of farmers spawned are often large enough to slow down your cavalry if not your entire army. But they can also be excellent meat shields, taking fire from enemy marksmen for you and your party. The best way to do this would be to assign your farmers to a separate group and then order all but that one group to hold position, allowing the farmers to charge ahead to their doom.

If attempting to raise mercenaries, it is advised that you keep your farmers out of the conflict until they have leveled up through shared experience, your training skill, or through sparring in a training field.

Stats and equipmentEdit

Note: Troops have a set of default stats; at the beginning of a new game, these stats are randomly adjusted for each type of troop. The following is the default set for this troop as seen within the game code and may not reflect the specific stats you will see during actual gameplay. For more information, see Troop stats.

Farmer - Default Stats and Equipment
Stat Points
Level 4
Strength 7
Agility 5
Intelligence 4
Charisma 4
Health 42
(Possible): Leather Cap, Felt Hat
Body Armor
Linen Tunic, Tunic with vest
(Possible): Nomad Boots, Wrapping Boots
Skill Points
Ironflesh 0
Power Strike 0
Power Throw 0
Power Draw 0
Weapon Master 0
Shield 0
Athletics 0
Riding 1
Horse Archery 0
Looting 0
Trainer 0
Tracking 0
Tactics 0
Path-finding 0
Spotting 0
Inventory Management 2
Wound Treatment 0
Surgery 0
First Aid 0
Engineer 0
Persuasion 0
Prisoner Management 1
Leadership 1
Trade 2
Weapon Type Points
One Handed Weapons 60
Two Handed Weapons 60
Polearms 60
Archery 60
Crossbows 60
Throwing 60
Melee Weapons
Cleaver, Knife, Pitch Fork, Sickle, Club
Ranged Weapons
(Possible): Stones
Mercenary Troops
Male Female
Townsman • FarmerPeasant Woman • Refugee
WatchmanCamp Follower
Caravan Guard • Mercenary CrossbowmanHuntress
Mercenary Horseman • Mercenary SwordsmanCamp Defender
Mercenary Cavalry • Hired BladeSword Sister
Caravan Master

The following are the troop trees of the various factions.


Mount&Blade and WarbandEdit

Khergit troop tree
Nord troop tree
Rhodok troop tree
Sarranid troop tree
Swadian troop tree
Vaegir troop tree
Mercenary troop tree
Female troop tree
Manhunter troop tree

Troops in the Khergit Khanate
Khergit Tribesman
Khergit Skirmisher
Khergit Horseman
Khergit Lancer • Khergit Horse Archer
Khergit Veteran Horse Archer

Troops in the Kingdom of Nords
Nord Recruit
Nord Footman • Nord Huntsman
Nord Trained Footman • Nord Archer
Nord Warrior • Nord Veteran Archer
Nord Veteran
Nord Huscarl

Troops in the Kingdom of Rhodoks
Rhodok Tribesman
Rhodok Spearman • Rhodok Crossbowman
Rhodok Trained Spearman • Rhodok Trained Crossbowman
Rhodok Veteran Spearman • Rhodok Veteran Crossbowman
Rhodok Sergeant • Rhodok Sharpshooter

Troops in the Sarranid Sultanate
Sarranid Recruit
Sarranid Footman
Sarranid Skirmisher • Sarranid Veteran Footman
Sarranid Archer • Sarranid Infantry • Sarranid Horseman
Sarranid Master Archer • Sarranid Guard • Sarranid Mamluke

Troops in the Kingdom of Swadia
Swadian Recruit
Swadian Militia
Swadian Skirmisher • Swadian Footman
Swadian Crossbowman • Swadian Infantry • Swadian Man-at-Arms
Swadian Sharpshooter • Swadian Sergeant • Swadian Knight

Troops in the Kingdom of Vaegirs
Vaegir Recruit
Vaegir Footman
Vaegir Skirmisher • Vaegir Veteran
Vaegir Archer • Vaegir Infantry • Vaegir Horseman
Vaegir Marksman • Vaegir Guard • Vaegir Knight

Mercenary Troops
Male Female
Townsman • FarmerPeasant Woman • Refugee
WatchmanCamp Follower
Caravan Guard • Mercenary CrossbowmanHuntress
Mercenary Horseman • Mercenary SwordsmanCamp Defender
Mercenary Cavalry • Hired BladeSword Sister
Caravan Master

Bandit Troops
Mount&Blade — Looter • Steppe Bandit • Forest Bandit • Mountain Bandit • Sea Raider • Deserters
Warband — Bandit • Brigand • Desert Bandit • Taiga Bandit
With Fire & Sword — Looter • Bandit • Brigand • Tatar Raider • Rebel

Manhunter Troops
Mount&Blade — Manhunter • Slave Driver • Slave Hunter • Slave Crusher • Slaver Chief

With Fire & Sword — Marksmen of the Secret Department

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With Fire & SwordEdit

Troops of the Cossack Hetmanate
Countryman • Poor Cossack (v) • Poor Cossack Pikeman (v)
Town Cossack (v) • Rank Cossack (v)
Zaporozhian Infantryman (v) • Serduk (v) • Tatar Infantryman (v) • Tatar Cavalryman (v)
Zaporozhian Cavalryman (v) • Watchman (v) • Pike Watchman (v) • Djura (v) • Netyag (v)

Troops of the Crimean Khanate
Nomad • Bajrak (v) • Kapikulu (v)
Oglan (v) • Azap (v) • Jasaq (v) • Seymen (v) • Janissary (v)
Cebelu (v) • Nogai (v) • Circassian (v) • Nokhor (v) • Mirza Chambul (v) • Asak Bey (v)

Troops of the Muscovite Tsardom
Staff Militiaman • Lance Militiaman (v) • Posad Marksman (v)
Village Cossack (v) • Kalmyk (v)
Marksman (v) • Marksman Spearman (v) • Armed Serf (v)
New Order Spearman (v) • New Order Marksman (v) • German Infantry Pikeman (v) • German Infantry Musketeer (v)
Moscow Reiter (v) • Gentry Cavalryman (v) • Noble Guard (v)

Troops of the Polish Commonwealth
Scythe Wielder • Militia Pikeman (v) • Musket Militiaman (v)
Town Cossack (v) • Rank Cossack (v) • Lithuanian Musketeer (v) • Lithuanian Tatar (v)
Zolnier (v) • Pikeman (v) • Volunteer (v) • Dragoon (v)
German Infantry Pikeman (v) • German Infantry Musketeer (v) • Scottish Musketeer (v) • Scottish Pikeman (v) • Scottish Swordsman (v) • Lisowczyk (v)
Polish Reiter (v) • Armored Cossack (v) • Winged Hussar (v)

Troops of the Kingdom of Sweden
Town Militiaman • Militia Pikeman (v) • Militia Musketeer (v)
Finnish Harquebusier (v) • German Pikeman (v) • Black Reiter (v)
Musketeer (v) • Pikeman (v) • Dragoon (v)
Swordsman (v) • Lifeguard (v) • Scottish Musketeer (v) • Scottish Pikeman (v) • Scottish Swordsman (v)
Cuirassier (v) • Cuirassier Spearman (v) • Swedish Reiter (v)

Viking ConquestEdit

Peasant • Priest
Freeholder • Bowman
Spearman • Companion
Warrior • Horseman • Veteran • Standard Bearer
Noble • Bodyguard

Serf • Priest
Freeman • Skirmisher
Spearman • Warrior • Archer • Horseman
Elite Spearman • Standard Bearer • Champion
Noble • Bodyguard

Warrior • Horseman

Serf • Priest
Laborer • Skirmisher
Freeholder • Warrior • Veteran Skirmisher
Veteran • Standard Bearer • Champion • Elite Skirmisher
Noble • Bodyguard

Freedman • Gothi
Freeholder • Bowman
Spearman • Companion • Warrior Archer
Elite Spearman • Standard Bearer • Veteran
Noble • Bodyguard

Floris Troop Tree

Mount And Blade Warband Native Expansion Troop Tree

Peasant • Priest
Landowner • Skirmisher
Spearman • Axeman • Veteran Skirmisher
Warrior • Standard Bearer • Veteran • Elite Skirmisher • Horseman
Noble • Champion

Mount And Blade Mod

Peasant • Priest
Freeholder • Bowman
Spearman • Companion
Warrior • Horseman • Veteran • Standard Bearer
Noble • Bodyguard