Mass Effect Mods Reddit

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About this mod

The new Proof of Concept: Co-Op Campaign Missions mod allows you to play select singleplayer missions as a team. It's pretty buggy, but it's what could have been if the game was designed around this concept! Check it out on the mods page. Mass Effect 3: Rejection 2.0 - now live! Posted on 2019-01-11.

This is an exhaustive, easy to install graphical overhaul mod for the Mass Effect Trilogy. Designed to work with MEUITM.


This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.

Mods requiring this file

Mod nameNotes
Explorer Armor 4 LiaraOnly need the installer
Permissions and credits

Author's instructions

This mod is a compilation of many other mods. Those weren't authored by me.
As such, you can only use assets originating from ALOT for your own and release them if you've acquired express consent from the original file authors and adhere to their personal permission rules. Original authors are listed in the description. If you have a question on a specific texture, feel free to send me a PM.

File credits

Credit goes to smarteck, CDAMJC, JeanLuc761, commositore, MaryseDynasty, Mellin, ELE08, Ellise, AlvaroMe, DeadMeat_357, sulezraz, and ThinkBlueN7. I have asked and received their permission to use their mods.
Contains textures from and - Those textures may not be redistributed.
Some textures were inspired from NASA and ESA pictures.
ESO/S. Brunier
NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC/Caltech)
NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Reto Stöckli, NASA Earth Observatory

Donation Points system

This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points

  • Version 2019.9.4

    • Improved first aid station
    • Improved lockers
    • Improved tram (Noveria)
    • Improved small crates
    • Improved bunk beds
  • Version 2019.9.3

    • New stretcher texture
    • New hologram textures
    • Improved citadel doors
    • Fixed red console. Thanks @Trent Hawkins for all the testing !
  • Version 2019.9.2

    • Added 4K texture for HMM ARM MEDc (armor obtainable through console only)
    • Fixed 4 spec textures that caused graphical glitches
  • Version 2019.9.1

    • Fix orange crates. Thanks Marcus22Khaar for the bug report.
  • Version 2019.9.0

    • 250 new/improved 2K environmental textures (walls, concrete). Some improvements to Alvaro's Normandy textures
    • Remade all 32 human (male, female; light, medium, heavy) armor normal textures to add more relief (see screenshots)
    • Replaced most galaxy map cluster textures with Gigapixel upscales
    • Some new face textures
    • Minor fix to Phoenix armor
    • New krogan clothes and faces
    • New biotic field texture
    • New crate textures
  • Version 2019.8.0

    • ALOT for ME1 has just quadrupled in size with 350 new textures by CreeperLava and 35 more by JimbobJeffers. This is the largest update yet, and combined with MEUITM, the graphical overhaul of ME1 is pretty much complete.
    • - All human armors have been retextured to 4K : male and female; light, medium and heavy. 200 textures in total.
    • - All weapons have been upscaled 4x and improved. 100 textures.
    • - A variety of horribly low resolution objects have been improved : screens, holograms, water (with textures by isoku, from Skyrim's Realistic Water Two), spaceport robotic arm, steel cables, windows, medical station, microscope, mass relays, grizzly tank... 50 textures.
    • - New 4K environment textures (snow, sand, grass...) by JimbobJeffers. 35 textures.
    • Comparison screenshots to be added soon-ish. I've already uploaded a bunch of 4K screenshots to replace the outdated ones and show how ME1 looks with MEUITM 2018 and ALOT 2019.8.0.
  • Version 2019.7.0

    • Bit early for a 2019 release, but there's probably not going to be one at the beginning of the year, and I don't want to make you wait just to have a beautiful 2019 in my version number. So there you go.
      Not a huge release, but still some very welcome additions !
      The installer has been merged with the textures download. It is now sufficiently stable and its autoupdate feature means it is unnecessary to separate the downloads. You can still download it separately from Mgamerz' github page :
      - Added hologram textures by Darziak
      - Added Mellin's reaper textures
  • Version 2018.6.1

    • Added jaws52590's superb textures for the Explorer armour.
    • Added shifty cow textures by CreeperLava
    • Added medic outfit texture
  • Version 2018.6.0

      - Entirely new installation procedure. Should now be more beautiful, less buggy, way more functional. All credit to Mgamerz and aquadran.
      - Overhauled the additional mods available for download in the installer for better consistency with the rest of the textures. Added some mods, removed a few others.
      - Added and updated many, many textures with CDAMJC's recently released update for MEUITM.
      - Added some new textures related to the solar system, made by myself.
      - Added a hologram texture made by JimbobJeffers.
      - Various bugfixes.
  • Version 2017.5.2

    • - Readded JimbobJeffer's Holograms mod to the main ALOT package.
      - Updated the addon with Ellise's face tweaks and Heleuss' face textures (there is no overlap).
    • Major changes to the addon in preparation for version 2018.
  • Version 2017.5.1

    • - Added ThinkBlueN7's Turian (Garrus included), Salarian and Quarian new textures, from Alien Aliens.
      - Fixed some of the environment textures I made in 2017.5. Should resolve the black texture issue.
  • Version 2017.5.0

    • This is a major release mainly so that everyone uses the new version of MEM.
      - Updated MEM to v167. The format of the texture scan file has changed in this version to fix some issues. If you had already installed ALOT, you need to revert ME1 to vanilla and reinstall everything.
      - Added something like 50 new environment textures (mainly walls) by myself, CreeperLava
      - Added 2 new textures by cristi1990an
      - Some fixes and additions to duplicate vanilla textures ported within ME1
      - Fixed a seam on a female NPC, between scalp and face
    • ALOT is now using a versioning system (Boar). This doesn't change anything on your side, it's all in the background. It means the textures are tracked much more professionally between updates, and are easier to revert in case of regressions.
  • Version 2017.4.1

    • Added 24 new textures, mainly on the Normandy and the Citadel.
  • Version 2017


The Best Weapons in Mass Effect: Andromeda

Normally melee is left out on the curb for games that give you powerful, high-tech firearms and what are essentially scientific super powers. With several of those powers being centered around physical attacks in Mass Effect: Andromeda, you wouldn’t expect to find a melee weapon just as badass. But it turns out that a couple of the best weapons (and coolest) are those that require you to get up close and personal.

Now there aren’t a ton of different melee weapons, but there are three that really stand out and prove to be quite useful in Andromeda.

Remnant Cryo-Gauntlet – You can find this weapon near Remnant Monoliths and inside of containers, or you can research it starting at 150 Remnant RD. It doesn’t have a very long attack range since there isn’t much of a lunge when initiating an attack, but it can freeze enemies in a single hit as long as they aren’t armored or shielded. If they are armored, it will slow them down (even larger enemies), and you quickly take out an enemy’s shield, then freeze them if you please. Cryo seems to be one of the more useful status effects in Mass Effect: Andromeda, so being able to trigger it at the touch of a single button makes this one of the best weapons in the game.

Kett Carfalon – What helps this particular sword stand out is its sweeping attack. The other melee weapons attack directly in front of you, making it surprisingly easy to miss, especially when standing really close to an enemy. With the Vakarsh’s higher base attack and wide motion, you can easily hit multiple enemies in a single swing and ensure that you rarely miss your mark.

Asari Sword – Not many things look cooler than a warp strike, just ask Final Fantasy XV’s Noctis. The Asari Sword triggers a quick, biotic teleport in a straight line towards your enemy before dealing a devastating strike. It’s great for closing distances between foes that have high rates of fire or are hiding behind cover, allowing you to avoid damage and take them out quickly. It’s not the best option to use while right next to someone though, but this is a perfect tool for mid-range fighters who prefer firearms but aren’t afraid to get in close for the kill if necessary.


The Best Weapons in Mass Effect: Andromeda

Pistols are great mid-range weapons that offer a lot of mobility during combat. You can move relatively quickly while aiming and firing one (except when you have a scope with a lot of zoom), and they are great for finishing off enemies. Most are pretty basic, but there are a few that really step things up.

Scorpion Pistol – You can obtain this one under Milky Way weapon research and it’s a pretty useful item against armored enemies. Instead of firing normal bullets that chip away at health, it fires mini sticky grenades. Granted, it doesn’t have the highest rate of fire, but some augments can help with that, and you can even alter the type of damage it does. If you’re not a heavy pistol user and don’t need one with a lot of reserve ammo, just trying to finish off foes with a single shot, look to the Scorpion.

Equalizer SMG – This is a Remnant firearm that is pretty powerful but also has a bit of a caveat. It 100% useless once you’re out of range, so you can’t be more than a few paces away from your target. But, it’s powerful and has unlimited ammo. Augmenting it with electricity creates a stream that eats shields, letting you weaken an enemy rapidly.

Mass Effect Andromeda Mods

Sidewinder Pistol – This Milky Way firearm is a perfect little revolver that allows for power and mobility during battles. It deals a solid amount of damage and has a great fire rate, allowing you to fire as quickly as you can pull the trigger.


The Best Weapons in Mass Effect: Andromeda

All you need in space are your trusty squadmates and a powerful shotgun to show the galaxy who’s really boss. Shotguns melt away almost anyone that steps in front of the business end, making them perfect for dealing with really aggressive enemies or powerful foes. They’re also great backup if you prefer up-close encounters. The Heleus Cluster has shotguns on lock with some of the best options, though there is one Milky Way option worth grabbing.

Ruzad Shotgun – Arguably the coolest looking shotgun in the game, this weapon found under Milky Way research is slow but very powerful, offering a staggering effect to even the toughest of foes. It’s a great means of controlling an enemy and the huge, curved blade on the front isn’t too shabby either.

Hesh Shotgun – This Kett shotgun is semi-automatic and fires clusters of plasma rounds that deal high damage and stagger enemies. The combination of both power and staggering is not to to be trifled with, especially on higher difficulties.

Dhan Shotgun – Another Kett weapon, this one fires a charged shot that deals incredible damage. On top of that, it can generate a damage dealing field after hitting the enemy for damage over time. We suggest augmenting it for more spare ammo to make the most of this powerhouse of a weapon.

Scattershot Shotgun – Remnant weapons for the most part require a very skilled hand thanks to their beam technology, but the Scattershot is actually pretty neat. It fires particles which can track enemies over long distances, making it the best “ranged” shotgun in the game. It also has unlimited ammo, just don’t let it overheat.

Assault Rifles

The Best Weapons in Mass Effect: Andromeda


Probably the most balanced option in any shooting game, Assault Rifles offer mobility, power, and precision that is most useful from medium to long range. They’re versatile and work well with all of the different powers you can acquire in the game.

Soned Assault Rifle – This is an absolute beast of a weapon that you can research under the Heleus Technology tab. It takes a bit to start up, requiring a charge, but once it starts it lets off a long stream of plasma projectiles that have a bit of an explosive/burning effect that tears through most enemies.

Valkyrie Assault Rifle – This N7-emblazoned rifle fires in two-round bursts, offering incredible control, accuracy, and stopping power. Its normal ammunition makes it effective against shields, though you can augment it to fire electricity or even plasma. It doesn’t have an exceptionally large clip, but since this isn’t a spray-‘n’-pray weapon, that never becomes an issue. Pick off enemies with the controlled burst at decent range with this great tool.

Mass Effect Pc Mods Reddit

Revenant Assault Rifle – This weapon was apparently illegally added to the Milky Way research database, but be happy that it was. It’s not the most accurate rifle (so keep it to mid-close range) but it’s powerful and tears through enemies with its very high rate of fire. Throw in some damage augments and you’ll have fun with this one.

Falcon Assault Rifle – Calling this an assault rifle is a bit of a stretch since its bullets aren’t really normal rounds. It fires rounds that bounce and detonate when they hit targets. They’re aren’t super powerful explosives, but with a few rounds from your magazine, you’ll watch enemies crumble.

Sniper Rifles

The Best Weapons in Mass Effect: Andromeda

Ah, the Sniper Rifle. A way of letting the enemy know you’re nearby by shooting the head off of one of their friends from a safe, undisclosed area. They limit your movement while aiming and firing one, but if you have a good sniper rifle, everyone is going down in one hit anyway. Also, thanks to the interesting AI in Mass Effect: Andromeda, with a good enough rifle you can take out an entire enemy encampment without any of them making a single move.

Mass Effect Mods Reddit

M-90 Indra Sniper Rifle – I must note that this weapon requires a bit of help from augments and mods, but it’s a solid option for sniping builds. It fires quickly (not something you can usually say about sniper rifles in any game), has a solid clip size, is fairly accurate, and you can carry a lot of ammunition for it. Its damage output is lacking, but if you’ve invested in sniper skills in the Combat tree and use the proper Augments and Mods to increase rifle damage, you have a very accurate, quickly firing deathbringer.

Naladen Sniper Rifle – This Kett rifle fires precise, explosive rounds that leave a burning effect for anyone nearby. Need we say any more?

Isharay Sniper Rifle – This isn’t for amateur snipers. You only get one shot per clip, and you can’t carry much ammo for this weapon, but it’s the most powerful option you can find. This rifle can easily take out most enemies in a single shot, even some armored ones and those with a full shield. It has the highest base accuracy, which allows you to easily send any enemy to meet their maker. You’ll find it under the Heleus Technology tab. You should go make one right now.

For more on Mass Effect: Andromeda, check out our wiki.